About Me

Hi, I’m Ben! 👋 Link to heading

 Welcome to my little slice of the internet, a place that I use to showcase projects and talk about other stuff I find interesting. First and foremost, I am an engineering student with a primary interest in electronics and aviation. I am particularly engaged with remotely piloted aircraft systems and their applications. My shared interest in electronics and aviation has together exposed me to a wide range of opportunities and hobbies. I hold a Remote Pilot’s License (≤7kg, Multirotor) and have conducted commercial operations including photogrammetry, aerial imagery and industrial inspections. I do also obviously enjoy the world of manned aviation and might one day take to the skies, but the associated costs are significantly higher than those of RC flight (even with lots of crashes). Here is me flying for some vegetation mapping on the Gold Coast 📷🌲.

DJI Phantom 4 performing aerial surveying work

 As for electronics, I have a fair bit of hobby and academic experience with both analog and digital electronics, microcontrollers, mechatronics and robotics, and programming (C, Python and some Javascript). If you enjoy what you see or want to get in touch, reach out through email or linkedin. Cheers 😃